Security testing services

Security testing aims to find and resolve bugs before the software is released. There are many types of testing and they are often complimentary.
On the on hand there are automated tests like Static Application Security Testing (SAST) or Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) which can be integrated in a CI/CD pipeline. On the other hand there are manual tests like code reviews and penetration tests that can be used for high-risk software.

Automated tests

The most common forms of automated security testing are SAST and DAST. Static code analysis or static application security testing (SAST) analyses the source code with tools for bad coding practices that commonly result in vulnerabilities. Dynamic application security testing (DAST) automatically tests a deployed version of the software against a predefined set of vulnerabilities and exploits. They detect different kinds of bugs and thus should be used together for optimal results.

Automated tests are often integrated in a CI/CD pipeline so as to run automatically on every change of the source code. This prevents many easily detectable but often overlooked bugs from being released in production. The automated nature of this testing makes them very cost-effective and does not have a big impact on the development process.

Our way of working

We will start with a (limited) assessment of your needs in terms of security testing. If we determine your application could benefit from automated testing like SAST or DAST then we will suggest tools or services and how tp integrate them.

We create a list of recommended tools and services to implement automated security testing in your organization or team. The recommendations will be tailored to your specific use of coding languages, frameworks and/or cloud environment.

We can help you with the implementation of the tools and services in your CI/CD pipeline. This is optional and can be performed by your own developers as well, but if you lack the experience is recommended to get everything set up correctly and securely.

Penetration test

A penetration test is an exercise performed for high-risk software that will simulate an actual attack from an adversary. In this exercise, an actual human (or team of humans) will attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in your software and gain access to protected data.

Because of the involvement of a human, a penetration test can find vulnerabilities no automated test can hope to find. It also resembles most closely what a real attacker would do. But this kind of testing comes with a high price, literally. Which is the reason it is often only performed for high-risk software or releases.

Our way of working

We will work together to determine the scope of the penetration test. It will determine what we will test and what the goal of the test is. This can include an entire system, with the goal being to try to penetrate defences and exfiltrate data without being detected. Or it can be much more limited to a single new feature that was added to the software and determine its risk to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

Next we will agree on how the test will be performed. Are we allowed access to the source code and documentation of the application (white box testing) or can we only use publicly available information (black box testing). Are we trying to breach the application in a sandbox environment or live on production? Are the IT and development team even aware a test is being performed, or is their response a part of the test? All of these and more will be clearly stated in the Rules of Engagement.

The penetration test itself is performed by trained professionals that will try to breach the defences of your application and reach the goals stated in the initial scope, following the rules of engagement agreed upon.

Results of the penetration test are presented in a comprehensive report. We describe what we did, if we were able to find any vulnerabilities and penetrate your defences, how we did this and how you can solve or mitigate the problems we found.

Code reviews

A code review is a manual assessment of source code meant to increase quality and eliminate bugs. When performed by a developer trained in secure software principles, they can identify and eliminate many security related bugs.

Most companies will want to train their own developers in these secure software principles so they can catch these issues while reviewing the source code of their peers. However, in some instances, where a particularly security sensitive piece of software is being developed, it can be beneficial to let a highly trained security professional perform the code review. Some examples of this type of software are cryptographic algorithms, authentication/authorization protocols and apis, or commonly used security controls.

Our way of working

We will need the functional and non-functional requirements of the software being developed to validate the code that is written meets these requirements.

We will provide your team with a security professional that will review all code created related to the feature that is to be reviewed. The security professional will give feedback directly in your Source Code Manager (SCM). Examples are GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket or others. Feedback can be an approval or a list of issues, with possible resolutions, that need to be resolved before approval.
Our mission

Secuma helps technology companies develop more secure applications. We encourage and guide the integration of security best practices in the entire Software Development Lifecycle, improving the security of your applications and stopping issues from becoming incidents.

Sels Software & Security BV
Hoogputstraat 22B
3690 Zutendaal

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